ANSI Safety Symbols

Safety Alert Symbols

Safety Alert Symbols indicate a hazard.

A. For use with the DANGER signal word - Safety red background, safety white triangle and a red exclamation point
B. For use with the WARNING signal word - Safety black triangle, safety orange exclamation point
C. For use with the CAUTION signal word - Safety black triangle, safety yellow exclamation point
D. & E. These options are provided to allow for consistency with some ISO standards. Either of these triangles are used in accordance with Danger, Warning, or Caution headers


Prohibition symbols require a "surround shape" to go around the safety symbol; the presence of the prohibition symbol signals that one should not perform the action inside the circle. It includes a safety black image surrounded by a safety black circle with a diagonally slash through the center. Do not use the prohibition symbol to show the consequences.


Hazard AlertsIn addition to black, the surround shape of a prohibition symbol can also be safety red.

Hazard Alerts safety symbols convey information related to the nature of hazards or what could happen if the dangerous area is approached. A safety yellow triangle with the black triangular band is an optional surround shape and color for hazard alerts. 



Mandatory Action

Mandatory Action symbols convey actions that should be taken to avoid the hazard. A safety blue circle is an optional surround shape and color for hazard alerts.


Safe Condition

Safety condition symbols help define the location of safety equipment. A safe condition symbols can be safety black, or a safety white image can be superimposed on a safety green square.      


Fire Safety

Fire Safety symbols convey the location of fire safety equipment. The image can be safety black or can consist of a safety white image over a red square.

The Electromark ANSI Reference Guide is designed to be a current, authoritative source regarding the ANSI Z535-2011 Safety Sign Standard and every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the text, symbols, and illustrations. However,  Electromark makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation that this compilation is accurate, complete, or without errors.